

Largest Party


Coalition leader


Current Mayor


Changes of Mayors

The Mthonjaneni Local Municipality is a Category B municipality situated within the northern coastal region of KwaZulu-Natal, and is part of the King Cetshwayo District.

No of Seats per Party

Composition of Council

The council has about 25 seats, with 5 political parties represented in council. The IFP has the majority of seats with 12 followed by the ANC with 10. The rest of the political parties in council have 1 seat respectively.

Key Positions




Cllr. M.N. Biyela
Cllr. P.E. Ntombela
Deputy Mayor
Cllr. N.A. Mbatha

Historical Timeline

The Mayor has the responsibility for managing the municipality as its political head. In performing his duties he has to identify the needs of the municipality, make recommendations to council on strategies to address such needs as well as to identify and recommend the best strategy towards service delivery. General political guidance is provided by his office over the financial affairs and has to ensure that the municipality performs its functions within the limits of the approved budget.
The speaker’s role in the municipality is to ensure oversight, accountability, integrity, discipline of office, and the efficient running of Council meetings. The speaker ensures that, Council meets at least on a quarterly basis. My duties and functions as Speaker entail the following: Chair of Council meetings, Implementation of the Code of Conduct, Exercise of delegated functioning including: facilitating public participation in legislation matters establishment and functioning of ward committees provide support to councillors.

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