The Democratic Alliance wins 3 Wards in Beaufort West

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has won all three wards contested in Wednesday’s by-election in Beaufort West in the Central Karoo. The win now shifts the previous Patriotic Alliance (PA), African National Congress (ANC), and KDF council coalition’s power to the DA. The DA has called the win historical, as it cements an outright DA-governed municipality for the town for the first time. In 2021, Gayton Mackenzie’s PA swept in to obtain an impressive win in the town’s Local Government Election which led to the previous coalition. The three contested wards were vacated after the resignation of two PAs and one ANC councillors.  The DA won Wards 1, 3 and 6 by over 40% of the vote for the DA. This brings a configuration in terms of municipalities under coalition government in the country from 70 to 69.

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Author: Boikanyo Nkwatle

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